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In a world of waiting in line for your next mocha frappuccino, with babies crying, cell phones ringing, and the crowd-swarming chaos, I believe one must find what I refer to as “primal solace." This inner peace comes from something engrained deep within our psyche that has been there since the beginning of man.
No matter what form it takes, one similarity remains true: you must move your body and challenge yourself physically and mentally by getting up and flowing against the current of what can sometimes be the mindless day to day. Seize the day for yourself and make of it what you want it to be.

Matthew Alegre holds over 20 years of hands on experience helping others achieve their full genetic potential. He has spent time working with all types of clients – ranging from post-op/physical therapy, special needs, to elite/Olympic level athletes. His training style seeks to bridge the gap between exercise science and nutrition and its real world application.
Matthew holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from SUNY Brockport College in upstate NY. Matthew is certified through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a health and fitness instructor and also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He also competes in Strongman competitions and trains in the fighting discipline Krav Maga.
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What It’s All About
In a world filled with chaos, we must find “primal solace." This inner peace is rarely realized between the emails, board meetings, kids soccer practices, and late-night TV shows. For the lucky ones who obtain it, the thirst for more is never truly satisfied.
What am I talking about, you ask? Well, the answer may be found in many different ways. Some take joy playing a sport or running free on the field of competition, while others may find peace through yoga practice or a hike through the mountains. Further still, one may truly “find themselves” while up against a personal record, underneath a loaded bar of heavy iron during a challenging training session. To seize the day for yourself, you must move your body and challenge yourself physically and mentally by getting up and flowing against the mindless day-to-day that holds you back.
Seize this day and this opportunity to make your life what you want it to be.
Contact Me for a Free Consult
It's essential that you know whether we're a good fit for each other as you seize the opportunity to improve your fitness, health, and lifestyle. Please feel free to contact me for a no-pressure, no-obligation chat so you can ask me any questions and we can see how to best meet your goals. Just click the button below!
Training Philosophy

Matthew’s training philosophy can be summed up in one word: efficient. His goal is to help clients achieve their desired results in the most efficient and effective ways possible. His 20 years of experience will take the guesswork out of training to help you realize your potential faster. [Learn More]
Client Testimonials

Matthew has been amazing to work with. He has a thorough understanding of all aspects of training and weight loss including diet and the roles of hormones. He is a good balance of toughness and encouragement, and I always end up doing more than I think is possible.
See what clients are saying and the results they have achieved!